Saturday 15 June 2024

Ranked Worst to Best: Bring Me The Horizon


I've been looking forward to this one. For nearly 10 years, BMTH have been one of my favorite bands which usually surprises a lot of people given my usual listening habits. I've loved watching their evolution from rising deathcore lads to a band that can headline even the Download festival and knock it out of the park. 

I wanted to do a ranking list earlier, but I was adamant that I'd wait until their new album was finally released which I wasn't expecting til around September this year, but thankfully they dropped it out of nowhere back in May.

Just a note as well, I know I don't normally include EPs in these lists but I'm making an exception for one here for Survival Horror, mainly due to the fact that no one actually refers to it as an EP and usually just a 'commercial release'. It has a studio album's worth of tracks and is longer than most EPs so I'm considering it a studio album. 

With that out the way, let's start:

8. amo (2019)

Going back and listening to these albums again for this list, I was expecting this one to be the underrated gem of the group. I was disappointed with it when it first came out due to the poppier, more mainstream direction they were going, but given that I've come to love their current sound, I thought I'd have more appreciation for where they were going. If anything I now like it even less.

I'm all for experimentation but half the time it just didn't work and even led to what I believe are some of the worst tracks they've ever recorded like the terrible 'why you gotta kick me when i'm down?' and the absolute cringe worthy 'heavy metal' and 'sugar honey ice & tea'.

Thankfully there are some good tracks to balance it all out a bit like lead single 'MANTRA' which is still played live to this day, some poppier tracks that are actually worth a listen and quite catchy like 'medicine' and 'mother tongue', and the underrated as hell closer. 

Rating: 5.5/10

Recommended Tracks: 'wonderful life', 'medicine', 'i don't know what to say'

7. Count Your Blessings (2006)

I really don't have much to say about this one. It was the band's first studio album and you can tell as they're still trying to discover their sound and the direction they want to go in.

This is a total deathcore album through and through, and Oli's vocals sound almost unrecognisable compared to his later work. Whilst the album is kept short at a nice 36 minutes, pretty much every track sounds the same and it all kind of bleeds together with only a couple of songs really standing out amongst the rest. Still nothing bad here at least and it makes for some nice, harsh background noise if needed. 

Rating: 6.5/10

Recommended Tracks: 'Pray for Plagues', 'Black & Blue', 'Liquor & Love Lost'

6. Suicide Season (2008)

I'm surprised at myself for putting this one so low as it used to be a favourite of mine but I guess it just shows how far they've come since then. 

This is the follow up that was needed after the decent debut as you can clearly hear the evolution of their sound, this time with multiple tracks that standout with way more thought put into them. They've still got that harsh deathcore sound with just a pinch of melody added now and again. 

The only criticism I have is that the mid-section of the record is pretty skippable with tracks like 'Death Breath' and 'Sleep with One Eye Open' coming across more like filler, though huge tracks like the headbang worthy 'Chelsea Smile' and fan favourite 'Diamonds Aren't Forever' making up for it in style. 

Great stuff. 

Rating: 8/10

Recommended Tracks: 'Chelsea Smile', 'Diamonds Aren't Forever', 'The Sadness Will Never End'

5. POST HUMAN: NeX GEn (2024)

Finally after 4 years of waiting this album was released and..... it was pretty solid. I was disappointed at first as I was expecting an album of the year contender and whilst it's not quite that, it's still a damn good release. 

The anticipation had been growing due to the high quality of the singles released ages before the album even released like my favourite 'Kool-Aid' which is a perfect example of the groups fusion of metalcore and electronic elements into their sound complete with big breakdowns and big choruses, along with the pop-punk masterpice that is 'Lost'. 

My main disappointment came with a lack of great new tracks to dig my teeth into though some have come around over time with video game inspired 'Top 10 Statues That Cried Blood' becoming a particular favourite, though one track I tend to skip on relistens now is 'Limousine', which I've heard is a Deftones rip off so it makes sense as to why it's not for me as Deftones are also not for me. 

It is a tad overlong and has a few too many 'interludes' but I still think it's a good time with the great outweighing the meh. 

Rating: 8/10

Recommended Tracks: 'Kool-Aid', 'Amen', 'Lost'

4. Sempiternal (2013)

I might get some crap for not putting this one at the top spot but I just feel that some other releases are just slightly better. This is the point where the band really toned down a good bit of the heavyness and opted for big arena tracks which has worked out pretty well for them in the long run. 

The first half of this album is an absolute masterclass with monster hits like 'Can You Feel My Heart' and 'Shadow Moses' demanding repeat listens as they crawl their way inside your brain and stay there for good. The second half isn't quite as hard hitting with cuts like 'Crooked Young' and 'And the Snakes Start to Sing' letting the side down a bit. 

Aside from that, from start to finish, this is a fantastic effort and it's no wonder their popularity soared from here. 

Rating: 9/10

Recommended Tracks: 'Shadow Moses', 'Sleepwalking', 'The House of Wolves'

3. There is a Hell Believe Me I've Seen it, There is a Heaven Let's Keep it a Secret (2010)

This was my first ever exposure to Bring Me The Horizon as I can vividly remember buying the CD from HMV, putting it on in my mum's living room, and just being absolutely stunned by what I heard and immediately having to replay it. I'd never heard anything this heavy before and I wanted more. 

Even over 10 years later this album still kicks major ass. After experimenting with slightly melodic moments on 'Suicide Season' 2 years prior, they took it to another level hear, even adding in orchastral sections and clean vocals for a way more varied experience. 

The absolute beautiful chaos of tracks like 'Fuck' and 'It Never Ends' need to be experienced. Like 'Sempiternal' this one is a little top heavy but there are no skippable tracks here at all. Wonderful stuff. 

Rating: 9/10

Recommended Tracks: 'It Never Ends', 'Fuck', 'Crucify Me'


This album/EP came around at the absolute right time. We were still in the midst of the Covid-19 lockdown and, for me at least, this felt like a true bit of catharthis after endless months of staying indoors. 'amo' had decided a year before and the band came back with an absolute bang, a glimpse into their future, and some of the biggest and best tracks they'd ever recorded. 

It doesn't hurt that they had Mick Gordon of video game 'Doom' fame to help them out. Opener 'Dear Diary' is the heaviest they'd sounded in a decade and the closest they've flirted with outright death metal. That's not to mention the total insanity that is 'Kingslayer' which may just be my favourite BMTH track of all time. It's a techno/metal fusion from hell in the best way possible and I can't get enough of it. 

'Ludens' is the only track that kind of let's the side down but everything else here is tremendous. 

Rating: 9.5/10

Recommended Tracks: 'Kingslayer', 'Dear Diary', 'Parasite Eve', 'Teardrops'

1. That's the Spirit (2015)

Of course this is number 1. I've the freaking artwork tattooed onto my left arm for god sake. 

I'll keep this short but this album means the world to me. It was there when I was at my worst and helped me through some dark times and is now my ultimate comfort album. Tracks like the gorgeous 'Drown' hit me to my very core when I need to.

Aside from that, the album us just a brilliant ride from start to finish, from the gigantic chorus of 'Doomed' all the way to poignant closer 'Oh No' , this album hits all the right notes. I love it. 

Rating: 9.5/10

Recommended Tracks: 'Doomed', 'Happy Song', 'Throne', 'Drown', 'Avalanche'

Thanks once again for reading! It might be a little while until I'm back again as I'm planning to cover the entirre 19 album discography of Black Sabbath so it's gonna take a while to get everything together. 

Friday 24 May 2024

Ranked Worst to Best: Bruce Dickinson


After finally getting to experience Bruce Dickinson live performing his solo stuff in front of a packed and brilliant Barrowlands crowd, I just had to post a ranking of all his solo albums. 

For those not in the know, Bruce Dickinson is the famed vocalist of the legendary band Iron Maiden. Since 1990 he has released 7 studio albums including March this year where he released his first solo effort since 2005. The man is my all time favorite musician to the point where I've even got his signature tattoed onto my left arm. He is most indeed worthy of the ranking list. Let's begin. 

7. Skunkworks (1996)

As the story goes; Bruce wanted his solo project to be called Skunkworks but the record company refused and insisted his name be forefront to keep the bucks rolling in. I do feel kind of bad for putting this one last as it's a good album but just the weakest of all unfortunately. I was surprised by how much I actually enjoyed this as I'd avoided it for a good while but it is worth a look in my opinion. 

Most likely due to the time of the album's release, Bruce goes for a more grunge rock kind of sound than the traditional metal he was known for and it does work well in places like lead single 'Back From the Edge' and stomper 'Headswitch'. The main issue is that it has 13 total songs which is just way too much and the sound doesn't vary as much as I would like it to, leading to a few of the tracks blurring together after a while. It definitely peaks with the first few tracks and doesn't quite reach that level again. 

Still it's worth a look.

Rating 7/10

Recommended Tracks: 'Back From the Edge', 'Headswitch', 'Inertia'

6. Tattooed Millionaire (1990)

Here we have Bruce's first solo release and you can kind of tell with how all over the place it can be at times. At the time, Bruce was still with Maiden but it was at a tense time when creative differences were affecting the quality of the work released and that pretty much bled into this release. 

Still overall I do enjoy this album and it's one I can have in the background whilst I chill out as he's going for a more classic rock vibe as he tries to figure out his own sound. The title track is fantastic and catchy as hell, and the more energetic tracks like 'Gypsy Road' really carry the weight here. There's even a sweet little cover of the Mott the Hooples 'All the Young Dudes' that I quite enjoy. 

It's really only the last 3 tracks that let the whole thing down with 'Lickin the Gun' sounding like a bad Aersosmith track, and closer 'No Lies' disappointing. 

Rating: 7/10

Recommended Tracks: 'Tattooed Millionaire', 'Gypsy Road', 'Born in 58'

 5. Balls to Picasso (1994)

This was Bruce's first solo release after leaving Maiden in 1993. With this one you do get a sense of the sound he wants to go for but there are still a few flaws that need to be ironed out. 

Like with the past few entries there are a few filler tracks that can likely be skipped, but unlike with those albums, this one has some Bruce all timers on show. You can't talk about this album without talking about 'Tears of the Dragon' which would fit perfectly on any classic Maiden album and is likely the best solo track Bruce ever released. It's beauty can't be described without hearing it for yourself, and having the privilege to hear it played live recently was an almost religious experience for me. 

Outside of that you do have some bangers to go along with it, so this is an easy recommndation from me. 

Rating: 7.5/10

Recommended Tracks: 'Tears of the Dragon', 'Laughing in the Hiding Bush', 'Gods of War'

4. Tyranny of Souls (2005)

Now we're hitting the truly 'great' albums in the discography. Bruce had been back in Maiden for 5 years at this point and with the morale in the band being high at the time, it seems to have had a positive effect on Bruce's work as well. 

There's only one kind of meh track in 'Believel' but the rest are all worth checking out for sure. 'Abduction' is a thrashy masterpiece (sounds amazing live as well), 'Navigate the Seas of the Sun' is the accoustic track Maiden wishes they'd written, and the title track makes for an epic closer. 

Fantastic stuff. 

Rating: 9/10

Recommended Tracks: 'Abduction', 'Navigate the Seas of the Sun', 'A Tyranny of Souls'

3. The Mandrake Project (2024)

I didn't think I'd be putting this one this high but here we are. Released 19 years after 'Tyranny of Souls' the expectations were kind of all over the place, but Bruce proved he could put out a modern classic outside of the Maiden machine. 

'Afterglow of Ragnarok' was the first single and taste of what was to come and ended up being the perfect comeback track with an epic riff and even more epic chorus. This was followed by 'Rain on the Graves' which has a nice satanic, classic blues feel to it. 'Eternity Has Failed' is pretty much a redo of Iron Maiden's 'If Eternity Should Fail' from 2015, but surprisingly I much prefer Bruce's version as it just has a much sinister tone and has some of my favorite instrumental moments I've heard all year. 

My only real issue is the dull final track that goes on way too long for my liking, but everything else on offer is so good that it easily makes up for it. If Judas Priest hadn't released 'Invincible Shield', 'The Mandrake Project' would be my pick for best album of 2024 so far. 

Rating: 9/10

Recommended Tracks: 'Afterflow of Ragnarok', 'Fingers in the Wounds', 'Mistress of Mercy'

2. Accident of Birth (1997)

If this album was released by any other artist it would probably be considered their best but this is Bruce Dickinson we're talking about here. This is his first truly excellent album and he never really looked back after this. This is the Bruce we all needed after he left Maiden. It also helps that he has Adrian Smith on guitar who had also left Maiden by this time. 

I really don't have much in the way of negatives except that track 'Welcome to the Pit' doesn't really match up to the rest but that's about it. From furious opener 'Freak' to beautiful closer 'Arc of Space' this is just balls to the wall heavy metal as it was meant to be heard. This one comes highly recommended. But there is still one better...

Rating: 9.5/10

Recommended Tracks: 'Darkside of Aquarius', 'Road to Hell', 'Man of Sorrows', 'Accident of Birth', 'Omega'

1. The Chemical Wedding (1998)

I can't tell you how much I adore this album and hold it in high regards with some of Maiden's best ever releases. 

The worst track here is 'Trumpets of Jericho' and even that's a banger! Really there's so much to love here from the heavy as hell opener 'King in Crimson' to the absolutely gorgeous closer in 'The Alchemist' which in itself brings the album full circle back to the title track in a way that almost brings me to tears everytime I hear it. You want all of this. I need all of this. 

Rating: 10/10

Recommended tracks: All of them

Thanks once again for reading! I did wonder where to look next, but with Bring Me The Horizon releasing their anticipated new album out of nowhere, I think I know what I need to do. 

Sunday 19 May 2024

Ranked Worst to Best: Slipknot

In coming back to do these ranking lists, I knew I'd be starting them off with Judas Priest and Iron Maiden, though from there, I was just willing to see where it goes from here. 

I do have a huge list of bands I want to go through and have even made up one of those wheels of fortune when I don't know where to go next. For now though we're going with arguably the biggest metal band in the world right now outside of Metallica. 

This year marks 25 years since the release of their debut album so it feels appropriate to go back and check out their discography in the 25 years they've been around. I have a weird relationship with the band as they were definitely a gateway band into more extreme metal for me, especially around the end of high school, but in recent years I've kind of strayed away from their brand of music, though I do enjoy a few of their tracks now and again. Let me tell you, nothing gets a wedding mosh pit going like 'Duality' on the dancefloor. 

So what's their worst album and what's their best? I definitely know their worst....

7. All Hope is Gone (2008)

This already feels like a bold choice for the worst as I know a good few people that love this album, however no matter how many times I relisten to it, I struggle to get through the full thing. I feel like I should love it more since it came out around the time I became a fan but it's just never clicked with me. 

I wouldn't call it a terrible album or even a bad one as there are a good few highlights to be had such as the concert staple 'Psychosocial', the heartbreaking 'Snuff', or what I consider to be the most underrated Slipknot track ever in the title track closer. 'Dead Memories' does receive a bit of hate but I've always enjoyed it as a bit of a guilty pleasure.

My problem comes from the amount of filler/bad tracks here as there's around 5 that I would skip on a relisten. 'Butcher's Hook' is one of the worst songs they've written and sounds like it came off of a bad PS2 soundtrack. 'Vendetta' is just so dull with a terrible chorus to match. 'This Cold Black' and 'Wherein Lies Continue' are a little better but still totally forgettable and sound thrown together. It doesn't help that they run between 4-6 minutes so it does drag til you get back to the good stuff. 

You can tell that the band were just not in a good place in recording this as the quality is all over the place but you milage may vary. 

Rating: 6/10

Recommended Tracks: 'Psychosocial', 'Snuff', 'All Hope is Gone'

6. The End, So Far (2022)

It felt weird coming back to this one again as I hadn't really checked it out since it came out in 2022 and I bought myself the vinyl for it to keep the collection. At the time I thought it was just a rush job by the band to get out of their record deal with Roadrunner, but it's actually kind of underrated. 

It's a very consistant album with no real bad tracks to drag it down like on some previous releases, though I think it's main issue comes from the fact that there's no real iconic tracks to keep you coming back for more. Outside of the first few tracks you're never gonna really clamber to have much of these added to a Slipknot setlist. After weird intro 'Adderall' (which I used to hate but have developed a soft spot for it's darker undertones) the album definitely peaks with it's first few tracks with stormer 'Dying Song' and the dark as hell 'Yen'. 

From there it's a slightly mixed bag but a good time overall and it doesn't feel as long as it's near hour runtime suggests. 

Rating: 7.5/10

Recommended Tracks: 'Dying Song', 'The Chapeltown Rag', 'Yen'

5. .5: The Gray Chapter (2014)

This is the poor album that often seems labelled as their worst by most fans but I've never really gotten the hate for it. For a start, it feels like the band have gotten a bit of their venom back after the clustered mess that was 'All Hope is Gone' after spending a good bit of time away between albums, and putting their grief to use after losing beloved bassist Paul Gray in 2010

I will admit it does drag a bit in the middle with 'Skeptic', 'Lech', and 'Goodbye' all being forgettable and worth skipping over, and closer 'If Rain is What You Want' isn't much better, but pretty much everything else hits hard. 'The Devil in I' was an instant hit with it's huge chorus, and 'The Negative One' sounds like it came right off their 1999 debut. Not to mention the absolutely memeable 'Custer' that has almost been played to death but is still a good fun time nonetheless. 

Rating: 7.5/10

Recommended Tracks: 'The Devil In I', 'The Negative One', 'Custer'

4. Vol 3. (The Subliminal Verses) (2004)

Now this placement could get me a good bit of hate. There's a lot of people that consider this Slipknot's best but I've just never seen it. Even when I was younger and this was the first Slipknot album I bought, I still didn't think it was amazing. 

Don't get me wrong, this album contains some of their biggest and best songs ever like the eternal metal party classic 'Duality' and the massive 'Before I Forget', not to mention the dark yet beautiful 'Vermilion' including part 2. 

For me there is just a tad too much filler here for me as tracks like 'Circle', 'Welcome', and 'Opium of the People' can be skipped over on a relisten without missing anything, and you can turn the album off once 'The Virus of Life' is over so you don't need to listen to 'Danger: Keep Away'.

A great album for sure, just not an amazing one. 

Rating: 8/10

Recommended Tracks: 'Duality', 'Before I Forget', 'The Blister Exists'

3. We Are Not Your Kind (2019)

I love this album. In 2019 I did not expect Slipknot to make their best album in nearly 20 years but here we are and it still holds up 5 years later. 

It's kind of like 'The End, So Far' with a nice consistancy all the way through, though with much stronger tracks in my opinion like fantastic opener 'Unsainted' and huge closer 'Solway Firth'. The band just feels rejuvenated after a good few years of not feeling like themselves. The only real negatives I have are that tracks like 'My Pain' and 'Not Long for This World' could have been cut down a good bit for a better paced album.

Aside from that this one is pretty much banger after banger.

Rating: 8.5/10

Recommended Tracks: 'Unsainted', 'Nero Forte', 'Solway Firth'

2. Slipknot (1999)

It was pretty tough choosing between the top 2, but I think I made the right choice. I'll never forget buying this album for the first time as a teen after only hearing their newer tracks at the time, and just being absolutely blown away by the first track as I'd never heard anything as heavy or as intense as it before, and really that was probably the point where my interest in more extreme music began. 

The first 5 tracks here are absolute Slipknot essentials and still played on most of their current setlists. The intensity heard on the first track does stay for pretty much the entire album, though I think you could cut tracks like 'Prosthetics', 'Only One' and 'Scissors' to make for a better experience, though thankfully more underrated hits like 'Liberate' and 'No Life' keep the madness coming. 

This one still rules. 

Rating: 9/10

Recommended Tracks: '(sic)', 'Eyeless', 'Wait & Bleed', 'Surfacing', 'Spit It Out'

1. Iowa (2001)

Slipknot's magnum opus that I don't think will ever be topped though I'd love for them to try. This album is everything the first album is with the intensity and darkness somehow turned up even higher. Back when I was going to the gym (a good while ago) this was my go to album to get the adrenaline going.

This is probably the closest they've come to a perfect record though it is let down slightly by the 15 minute title track that just goes on for way too long and could have been cut down to 6/7 minutes quite easily and kind of kills the momentum. At least it's the final track so you can just turn off before it comes on. 

Other than that, pretty much every other track is a Slipknot essential from the anthemic (and my favourite) 'People=Shit' to the underrated and creepy 'Skin Ticket', everything hits here. 

Rating 9.5/10

Recommended Tracks: 'People=Shit', 'Disasterpiece', 'My Plague', 'The Heretic Anthem', 'Left Behind'

Thanks again for reading! I have no idea what band I'll be covering next. Suggestions always welcomed.


Monday 6 May 2024

Ranked Worst to Best: Iron Maiden


Ah Iron Maiden. My favourite band of all time. After covering Judas Priest I kind of had to do this one next as they've had surprisingly similar career trajectory. I've technically done a list like this before but I think it needed a bit of an update, plus I don't believe I had a chance to cover latest album 'Senjutsu' last time. This'll be another long one so strap in but I'll keep my summaries as brief as possible.

17. The X Factor (1995)

I know what you're thinking and no, this isn't the worst album artwork they've ever had. We'll get to that soon enough. Whilst this might be the worst album the band has released, I still don't hate it as when taken on it's own merits; it's still a decent album. 

This was a weird time for the band as vocalist Bruce Dickinson had left in 1993 to pursue his solo project, and band leader/bassist Steve Harris was going through a divorce leading to the darkest album the band had released to this point. Blaze Bayley was hired as a replacement and whilst he is a fine vocallist in his own right, his style didn't really match Iron Maiden's then current style which was still going ahead as if Bruce was still here. Bruce can hit the high notes. Blaze tries his best but doesn't quick get there. 

The production doesn't help either as the instruments just come across as too quiet compared to Blaze's booming voice which is a shame as there's a ton of potential here. For example; "Sign of the Cross" is the best track here but I never realised how truly great it was until I heard the live version with Bruce on vocals on the "Rock in Rio" release. 

As far as the tracks go, there's not really a bad one until the last couple of tracks that just drag the album on for another unneccessary 13 minutes. Cut some of the fat and you've got something. 

Rating: 6.5/10

Recommended Tracks: "Sign of the Cross", "Lord of the Flies", "Man on the Edge"

16. No Prayer for the Dying (1990)

Despite it's low ranking on this list; I've really mellowed out on this one over the years. I used to consider it their worst but to be honest it's just a good time. 

Another big time for the band as guitarist/songwriter Adrian Smith left and lovely Janick Gers took his place. We were also just coming off the golden 80s period for the band and they decided to go back to their roots for better or for worse, and this time stuck to shorter, catchier tracks and didn't even bother trying to do an 'epic' one longer than 7 minutes as was the norm for them around this time.

It's close to a mixed bag but for me the good outweighs the bad. Only the middle section of the album is a bit of a drag with forgettable tunes but the album peaks with it's first three tracks and the cheesy goodness of 'Bring Your Daughter....To the Slaughter" and the totally underrated "Hooks In You". Thankfully the whole thing is only 40 minutes in total so even if it's not really your bag then it's not a total drag to get through. 

Rating: 7/10

Recommended Tracks: "Tailgunner", "Holy Smoke", "No Prayer for the Dying"

15. Fear of the Dark (1992)

The lower placing of this one is definitely going to earn me some hate from somewhere. I've seen fans with this in their top 5 but for me I've just always seen it as overrated. Every time I go in for a listen I'm ready to be converted and finally 'get it' but I just don't. In the grand scheme of things it is a good album don't get me wrong but there's just too much filler for me. 

There are 12 tracks in total here and out of them I'd say around 3 are totally skippable filler and another 3 that are just 'ok'. The whole thing runs about an hour so I have no idea why they couldn't have cut a few to make it a more cohesive release. Would anyone really miss "The Apparition", "Weekend Warrior", or "Fear is the Key" if they were removed from existance?

On the good side we do have 2 of the best Maiden tracks ever written here with the forever underrated "Afraid to Shoot Strangers" and the essential live experience that is the title track along with a few other gems to keep you coming back for more. Overrated album but still a good one. 

Rating: 7/10

Recommended Tracks: "Fear of the Dark", "Afraid to Shoot Strangers", "Judas Be My Guide"

14. Virtual XI (1998)

I might ruffle a few feathers by not having this as the lowest option and having it above "Fear of the Dark", but I'm not ashamed to say I love this album and consider it their most underrated by a mile. 

Whilst I kind of get the hate since Blaze was still on vocal duty and still wasn't quite gelling with the Maiden style, they took everything that wasn't working on "The X Factor" and improved on it such as improved production where every instrument can now be heard clearly, and they managed cut the runtime to just under an hour making it way easier to digest. 

The album also contains what is considered Maiden's worst ever track in 'The Angel and the Gambler" which is a repetitive near 10 minute mess, but I can't lie; it's an absolute guilty pleasure for me and I totally vibe with it. The 10 minute length is criminal though. The other longer and also repetitive track "Don't Look to the Eyes of a Stranger" doesn't help. 

Other than that, the rest of the album is absolute blast with the furiously paced "Futureal" opening proceedings on a high note, and we do get an all time classic in Scottish based "The Clansman" which is still played live by the band to this day and sounds even better with Bruce on vocals. Don't sleep on this one.

Rating: 8/10

Recommended tracks: "Futureal", "The Clansman", "Como Estais Amigos"

13. Dance of Death (2003)

It's mad you can get to a band's 13th best album and have it still be excellent, though that is just the quality that Maiden brings to the table. Also this is easily their worst ever artwork and how they okayed this I'll never know. Just gaze into the unfinished CGI monstrosity and go mad. 

Whilst I do love the bands post 2000 output, this is easily the weekest of those releases for me, though one I still enjoy immensely. As for the positives, there are a ton of great tracks here, including two of their best ever epics in the delightfully gothy title track and the war torn "Paschendale". Some great shorter tracks to be found as well in the beautiful "Rainmaker" and one of their heavier outputs in "Montsegur". 

For me it only really drags towards the end with the last couple of tracks with one of the corniest songs they've ever written in "Age of Innocence" which didn't need to be 6 minutes long, and whilst I do enjoy the accoustic nature of closer "Journeyman", it really didn't need to be 7 minutes. Aside from that though, this is an underrated record worth checking out more than it is. 

Rating: 8.5/10

Recommended Tracks: "Rainmaker", "Dance of Death", "Paschendale"

12. Killers (1981)

Another one I've seen higher on other lists but it just doesn't vibe with me as much as it seems to do with other Maiden fans. Still a great album though and has what might be my favourite album artwork of all time. 

At this point in Maiden's timeline we still hadn't been introduced to Bruce Dickinson, and original vocalist Paul Di'Anno was still delivering the goods here in his punkier style. This was really the start of their galloping style that we know and love today. 

There really aren't any bad tracks here though I do tend to skip over instrumental "Genghis Khan" as it doesn't do much for me. "Wrathchild" is the most famous song here and despite it's length of just over 2 minutes, is still considered such a classic that's played live to this day with it's excellent groovy bass intro into a big singalong chorus.

Add in the fact that there's a ton of hidden gems including the killer (pun intended) title track and the fast as hell "Murders in the Rue Morgue" and you've got a recipe for greatness. 

Rating: 8.5/10

Recommended Tracks: "Wrathchild", "Murders in the Rue Morgue", "Killers"

11. The Final Frontier (2010)

Now this one is special to me. This is where it all began for me. I remember buying this with pocket money after seeing a five star review in a paper and had on repeat for days. I was young at the time and was only really into Metallica and had never heard anything like this. The album also came out shortly before my birthday, so once I had some birthday cash, I made sure to buy a good chunk of their back catalogue and the rest is history. 

The fact I love this one so much and it's not even in the top ten just shows how far the band has come since 1980. As for the album itself, I do find it kind of underrated although I can certainly see why some may find issues with it. 

Whilst there are no bad tracks at all, the pacing is a bit weird as all of the shorter songs are placed in the first half, and the last five tracks are all the 'epic songs' with most around the 9-10 mark so I can see how it could drag for a first time listener, and I've no idea why the band couldn't have spaced the tracks out in similiar way to most of their other releases. Still, the big tracks are the reason to stay as they're all excellent with massive closer "When the Wild Wind Blows" being a particular highlight. This is one worth spinning more than once to get the most out of it.

Rating 8.5/10

Recommended Tracks: "Isle of Avalon", "The Talisman", "When the Wild Wind Blows"

10. Iron Maiden (1980)

And here's where it all began. The weirdest thing is it sounds the least like an Iron Maiden record than any of their other releases. That's mainly due in part to vocalist Paul Di'Anno's raspier voice and the fact it feels a bit like a Punk album likely due to how big Punk was around this time period. 

This along with the rawer production quality due to it being their debut tends to throw people off of this one but in my opinion, you're really missing out. Outside of the heavy hitters like the epic "Phantom of the Opera" and the immortal title track, it's pretty much banger after banger once underrated opener "Prowler" stops. Don't sleep on this one. 

Rating: 9/10

Recommended tracks: "Prowler", "Phantom of the Opera", "Iron Maiden"

9. The Book of Souls (2015)

There was a period of time where I had this record in my top three Maiden albums of all time. And whilst it's not quite the 10/10 I'd previously envisioned, there's still a ton on offer here. 

I suppose the biggest obstacle is the sheer length with it being the band's longest album ever at a whopping 92 minutes, but if you can get past that then there's a lot to love here. There really are no bad tracks here and the longer ones are definitely the standouts. "The Red and the Black" has always been my favourite here and getting to hear it played live and being absolutely mesmorised by the instrumental section is a gig highlight for me. 

I would say you could probably cut a couple of the more forgettable tracks like "Man of Sorrows" or "When the River Runs Deep" for a nicer, shorter experience though those tracks do have a bit to offer themselves so it'd be hard to cut ties with them. The longest track here is closer "Empire of the Clouds" at an intimidating 18 minutes but I totally adore this track and could easily listen to it multiple times with no issue. 

Rating: 9/10

Recommended Tracks: "If Eternity Should Fail", "The Red and the Black", "The Book of Souls"

8. Senjutsu (2021)

It was difficult choosing between this and "Book of Souls", but this one has found it's way to my heart in the three years since it was released and is an absolute comfort album for me now. 

Really the only issue I have with the album is the opening title track which I find to be a bore and way too long at 8 minutes with not much really going on, so I tend to skip it on repeat listens. Replace it with a better track and this is an easy 10/10 for me. After this though, from "Stratego" to "Hell on Earth", this is an absolute behemoth of a record. 

It contains some of the better 'shorter' tracks they've released with the punchy "Days of Future Past" and awesome single "Writing on the Wall", along with the brilliant longer tracks they're known for at this point. "Lost in a Lost World" and "The Parchment" need repeat listens to truly appreciate them, and closer "Hell on Earth" is now one of my favourite Maiden songs ever. Long live the Irons.

Rating: 9.5/10

Recommended Tracks: "Writing on the Wall", "The Parchment", "Hell on Earth"

7. Piece of Mind (1983)

Now we're really starting to hit the heavyweights. For the longest time I considered this one of their more overrated releases as it seemed to get so much praise everywhere else, but with each new listen; I've really grown to appreciate just how great this one us. 

Much like with "Senjutsu", there's only one track letting the side down in the terrible "Quest for Fire" but at least it's only 4 minutes long. Other than that, this is pretty much banger after banger. Of course you have the better known tracks like the galloping "The Trooper" and the slower, more delicate "Revelations", but there's a few hidden gems to be found like the mysterious "Still Life" and the so catchy it's chorus will get stuck in your head brilliance of "Sun and Steel". 

A classic to be sure. 

Rating: 9.5/10

Recommended Tracks: "Where Eagles Dare", "Revelations", "The Trooper"

Just to note, these last 6 entries will be pretty brief as I have nothing but praise for them. These are the absolute elite.

6. A Matter of Life and Death (2006)

Like "Book of Souls", this is one I had in my top three at one point and depending on what day you ask me, I might consider putting it further up the list. 

Maiden really are at their best when they're tackling religion and war, and this album is a prime example of that. This is the first real example on this list of all killer no filler and the only reason it lags behind is because of it's intimadating length of 72 minutes as most of the tracks go over the 7 minute mark, but those usually end up as the best tracks like one of my all time faves that I had the privilege of hearing live in "For the Greater Good of God" and the gorgeous "The Longest Day". This would be peak 2000's Maiden if not for....

Rating: 10/10

Recommended Tracks: "For the Greater Good of God", "The Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg", "The Longest Day"

5. Brave New World (2000)

Talk about a comeback! This album signalled the return of Bruce Dickinson and Adrian Smith to the band, the latter's return turning the band into a three guitar piece and it was wonderful. 

I still remember listening to this album for the first time about 14 years and being gobsmacked by just how fresh the band sounded. Like "Matter of Life and Death" there is absolutely no filler to be found, and with a slightly shorter length of just over an hour, this one absolutely flies by. You have opener "The Wicker Man" which is easily one of the best intro tracks they've ever done; all the way through the always underrated "Thin Line Between Love and Hate" which is also one of my favourite closing tracks they've ever done. Top to bottom, a perfect album. 

Rating: 10/10

Recommended Tracks: "The Wicker Man", "Brave New World", "Thin Line Between Love and Hate"

4. Powerslave (1984)

This one normally ends up at the top of most Maiden rankings and whilst I adore it, I still have a few I'd put above it. 

Of course you have the big four here with insanely paced opener "Aces High", the catchy as hell "2 Minutes to Midnight", the powerful title track, and the best 13 minute song you're ever going to hear on "Rime of the Ancient Mariner". Seriously, check it out if you haven't, it's phenomenal. 

Outside of those you have my favourite instrumental in "Losfer Words", and two totally underrated gems in "Flash of the Blade" and "Back in the Village". What's not to love? It's easy to see why the band were at the top of the metal world at this point of their career.

Rating: 10/10

Recommended Tracks: "Aces High", "2 Minutes to Midnight", "Powerslave", "Rime of the Ancient Mariner"

3. Somewhere in Time (1986)

This is one of those 'love it or hate it' albums as I've seen it at the top of album lists and towards the bottom as some really don't like the synth style they used here, but I freaking love it and have an even deeper appeciation for it since the recent Future Past Tour where they played a good few tracks from this. 

It's another case of having the bigger well known tracks like their catchiest song ever in "Wasted Years" and the historical epic that is "Alexander the Great", along with some underrated gems that deserve way more love like "Sea of Madness" and "Deja Vu". Another great example of banger after banger. 

Rating: 10/10

Recommeded Tracks: "Wasted Years", "Alexander the Great", "Stranger in a Strange Land", "Sea of Madness"

2. Seventh Son of a Seventh Son (1988)

This is one I used to have around the number 5 mark but a recent listen has confirmed just how good this album is. 

Even with the track "The Prophecy" which I'm not a big fan of; the other tracks are just so good that it still puts it above all the previous listed albums. Even the eternally underrated closer "Only the Good Die Young" is a 10/10 track, and the title track is one of the best 10 minute tracks they've ever created. A masterpiece of a concept album only beaten by one other. 

Rating: 10/10

Recommended Tracks: "Moonchild", "Infinite Dreams", "The Evil That Men Do", "Seventh Son of a Seventh Son", "The Clairvoyant"

1. The Number of the Beast (1982)

There can only be one at the top, and of course it's the first Maiden album I ever bought and my favourite album of all time. 

It contains the two greatest Maiden tracks ever penned in the mighty title track, and my favourite track of all time in the godly "Hallowed Be Thy Name". Of course you've also got their most well known track in the catchy "Run to the Hills", the gothic masterpiece that is "Children of the Damned" and absolute stormer "The Prisoner". The greatest metal album of all time. 

Rating: 10/10

Recommended tracks: All of them

Thanks once again for reading! I'm still trying to work out which artist I'll be covering next but hopefully shouldn't be too long with the next list.